FAO supports Uzbekistan during the pandemic
13 noyabr 2020
- Even in the most prosperous and economically developed countries, the growth of unemployment and poverty in the pandemic remains as a serious problem. The agrarian sector had a negative impact as well.
Although in Uzbekistan the pandemic has not led to significant disruptions in agriculture due to the necessary measures timely taken by the government of the country, risks still exist. The incomes of the rural population are under threat.

It is well known that poverty reduction is the first of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This goal is ultimately pursued by the project “Integrated Natural Resources Management in Drought-prone and Salt-affected Agricultural Production Systems in Central Asia and Turkey” (CACILM-2), implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
In June 2020, in the scope of the project, 30,000 seedlings of tomato, cabbage and bell pepper were delivered to people living in rural areas of Bukhara district of Bukhara region, in addition in July, more than 10 tons of fertilizers were delivered for agriculture purposes as well. This has provided significant support for financially strained smallholders of Bukhara region during the pandemic.
“Measures to support the most vulnerable groups of the population, to maintain the functioning of global food supply chains and to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic throughout the food system will prevent a food crisis in this difficult period”, said the national project manager Muhammadjon Kosimov.
Additionally, Bukhara district khokimiyat (municipality) in cooperation with the regional department of agriculture have formed the list of low-income families to be supported. Based on this list, the FAO Representation in Uzbekistan provided 17 water pumps to farmer families.
At the same time, within the framework of the CACILM-2 project, 4 motor-cultivators were transferred to the Bukhara region for the processing of personal plots. The equipment handover ceremony took place on November 11, 2020. It was emphasized that this equipment plays an important role in obtaining a sustainable harvest and in the efficient use of household land.
“I express my gratitude for the significant support provided to dekhkans and households in the difficult period of the pandemic and I want to note that the rural population of the Bukhara district is very interested in further development of cooperation”, said the khokim (governor) of the Bukhara district Kakhramon Dustov.
FAO will continue to provide support, and within the framework of the CACILM-2 project, it is also planned to support building of 20 greenhouses in this area with the purpose of increasing the income of rural population and further greenhouse agriculture development.