
Strategic Climate Initiatives: Aral Sea Trust Fund Highlights Key Achievements at COP-28

02 dekabr 2023

On the margins of COP-28 the Aral Sea Trust Fund (UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region in Uzbekistan) hosted site event: “Showcasing the Aral Sea Restoration Activities for a Climate-Resilient Future.”

The site event was organized by the Aral Sea Trust Fund, the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in Uzbekistan, and the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change. The event aimed to underscore the urgency of collective action in confronting environmental catastrophes, emphasizing the role of such initiatives in fostering resilient development.

Consuelo Vidal-Bruce, the United Nations Resident Coordinator for Uzbekistan, opened the event with online remarks.  Stressing the importance of unified efforts in tackling transboundary environmental challenges, she said, "This is not just a side event; it stands as a testament to the potency of collective action in the face of environmental adversities."

Rasm: © UN in Uzbekistan

Over the course of five-years, the Aral Sea Trust Fund has championed transformative initiatives, positively impacting nearly 280,000 individuals from vulnerable communities affected by the Aral Sea disaster. Employing a coordinated approach and platform, the Fund has brought together UN agencies, governments, communities, civil society, and non-governmental organizations to collectively address the multifaceted challenges in the Aral Sea Region. 

Consuelo Vidal-Bruce also highlighted the Fund's commitment to the human dimension amidst environmental adversity, stating, "The sea is gone, but people are not." This sentiment was echoed by the Government of Uzbekistan, emphasizing that addressing the Aral Sea catastrophe is a top priority, with significant efforts being exerted in collaboration with the international community.

The COP-28 side event led by the Aral Sea Trust Fund immersed participants in transformative experiences. Combining visual storytelling through a compelling photo and video exhibition with interactive discussions featuring insights from local community representatives, government officials, contributing partners, and UN representatives, the event informed global climate leaders, advocates, and stakeholders about the devastating impacts of the Aral Sea's desiccation.

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United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

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