This is an independent, impartial and collective assessment of key gaps and trends in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Uzbekistan.
September 2020
January 2018
The United Nations in Uzbekistan welcomes the signing of the “Action-oriented Roadmap on Further Cooperation between Uzbekistan and the UN for 2017-2020.
November 2019
I am delighted to be here in Uzbekistan, the “Cradle of Sciences and Islamic Thought”.
November 2018
The UN family in Uzbekistan remains steadfastly committed to supporting the Government to realise the objectives outlined in the national Action Strategy.
November 2017
United Nations support to sub-regional cooperation for sustainable development in Central Asia
August 2020
Press Release
- "Stay home to save lives." The message is clear: we all can contribute to the fight against coronavirus by staying at home.
August 2020
Press Release
Constant electricity is required for all aspects of our daily lives, including both conveniences and necessities, meaning a lack of access can greatly diminish people’s well-being, livelihoods and opportunities.
June 2020
Press Release
- From 2018 pasture cooperatives in Karakalpakstan have helped mitigate climate change and limit the impacts of the Aral Sea’s disappearance. In the past three months they’ve also limited the impact of COVID-19.