Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support (MAPS) for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Uzbekistan

As a testimony of its strong interest and commitment to adapt the SDGs to national needs as articulated in Uzbekistan’s national Action Strategy 2017-2021, the GoU invited a MAPS mission to Tashkent in April 2018. The task of the MAPS mission included: (1) the adaptation of the SDGs to Uzbekistan’s national circumstances and their alignment with Uzbekistan’s national development processes; (2) the identification of SDG acceleration opportunities; (3) the identification of SDG financing options; and (4) the establishment of a national SDG monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework.
This report reflects the findings and conclusions of the MAPS mission team, based on its engagement and rich interactions with senior-level representatives of 27 national institutions in Tashkent—including with ministries, Parliament, the Supreme Court, the National Human Rights Centre, think tanks, international development partners, NGOs and youth groups—as well as with the UN country team. It builds on extensive preparatory research ahead of the actual mission as well as on detailed follow up research, in which this report benefited from the specialized expertise of the agencies and organizations participating in the MAPS mission.