Caring for your child during COVID-19

Physical distancing and lockdowns due to the spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are changing family life for millions globally. For parents whose children are now out of school, the stresses of parenting may be increased by juggling work and caring for their children, plus potential worries about loss of income. For millions of already vulnerable families around the world, such as refugees or those living in low-resource contexts, these challenges are even greater.
The information here aims to help you by providing some ideas about how you can help both yourself and your children get through the challenges you may be facing, and how to stay connected as a family. You will probably find that you already use some of the ideas and approaches in this booklet. Caring adults help to protect children in difficult times, especially when they are warm, supportive, and comforting, and when they can help children make sense of uncertain times. Family harmony helps to reduce your child’s anxieties while keeping them safe. Encouraging good behaviour helps your child to cope as well as possible. It also makes it easier for parents to keep them safe.