Situation Analysis on Children and Adults with Disabilities in Uzbekistan: snapshots

This Situation Analysis on People with Disabilities in Uzbekistan was commissioned by the Government of Uzbekistan and UN agencies, namely UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO in Uzbekistan. It provides a “snap-shot” of the current situation in the country and provides a baseline for future work. This study feeds into the Government’s commitment towards fully integrating people with disabilities, as expressed in the presidential decree “On measures for fundamental enhancement of public support system of people with disabilities” adopted in December 2017.
This report summarizes findings from five research streams: a legal review, an institutional review, a statistical capacity assessment, a KAP Survey and a needs-assessment study. A mixed-methods approach was undertaken to generate a comprehensive picture. First-person accounts from people with disabilities, their families and disability advocates were also included, gathered in the form of interviews and statements. The report follows the structure of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.