Terms of Reference UNSDCF Evaluation 2024

In September 2020, the UN Country Team in Uzbekistan and the Government of Uzbekistan signed the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF or Cooperation Framework) for Uzbekistan for 2021-2025. Under the UNSDCF, the Government of Uzbekistan (GoU) and the UN have committed to working together to achieve the country’s national vision for sustainable development.
Pursuant to the UNSDCF Monitoring and Evaluation plan, the UNCT has agreed to carry out an independent evaluation in the penultimate year of the Cooperation Framework to serve as the foundation for subsequent UN Cooperation Framework planning and to contribute to system-wide oversight, transparency, accountability, and collective learning.
The Uzbekistan UNSDCF evaluation therefore will seek to ensure accountability, support learning and inform the design of the next UNSDCF 2026-2030 cycle. Using the Common Country Analysis (CCA) as a benchmark, it will assess the contribution of the current UNSDCF by focusing on achieved development results, as well as internal and external gaps and overlaps in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will also factor scorecard indicators of the UN Gender SWAP, Youth2030 Strategy and the United Nation Disability Inclusion Strategy.