UNICEF and Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan join efforts to improve vaccines and immunization system in Uzbekistan
10 December 2020
- UNICEF handed over 16 vehicles to the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan to enhance monitoring of the national immunization programme.
As part of the Joint Programme on Strengthening the Immunization System in Uzbekistan, UNICEF handed over 16 vehicles to the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan. The vehicles are for the regional departments of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Service and will be used to further improve monitoring and supportive supervision activities across the country.

“Immunization is one of the key indicators, of early development of children and their protection against vaccine-preventable diseases. Therefore, our joint work with UNICEF in this direction is of great importance for the health and well-being of all children in our country,” said Bakhodir Yusupaliev, Deputy Minister of Health, head of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health Service.
Funded by Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI), UNICEF has supported the Ministry of Health to strengthen national immunization program by purchasing these vehicles. UNICEF has supported the Ministry of Health to strengthen national immunization program by construction of vaccine warehouses at national, regional and district level, procurement and installation of cold rooms, freezers and refrigerators and procurement of vehicles for transportation of vaccine and development vaccine logistic management information system. It is expected the project will significantly improve national immunization system.
UNICEF has prioritized equitable distribution of vaccines. Coming against a background of the COVID 19 pandemic and the race to deliver COVID19 vaccines (COVAX), equitable distribution of vaccines has become critical.
“I believe that these vehicles along with other cold chain equipment provided will significantly contribute to improving the health of children across the country,” said Geoffrey Ijumba, UNICEF Deputy Representative in Uzbekistan. ”Equitable distribution of vaccines for children has become urgent and the support handed over today and announced in the regions is a vital step to ensure, we reach all regions with quality vaccination.“