Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) at home during COVID-19 lockdown: Results from a Rapid Survey in Uzbekistan

Education section of the UNICEF Uzbekistan country office carried out a detailed study on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of parents and caretakers of 3-6 years old children regarding ECCE (the data for the study was collected in November 2019 and the report was finalized in May 2020). The KAP study looked at the knowledge of parents and caretakers about the child development outcomes, appropriate and desirable childcare practices and behaviour, including equity and inclusion; the attitude towards child development services and its efficacy, particularly the quality, and affordability of available preschool services, willingness to adapt appropriate childcare practices and behaviour; and practices in terms of use of preschool services, engagement with children etc.
As the KAP study looked at the scenario before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was important to do a quick survey to assess ECCE scenario, particularly caring and raring practices at home, and parental attitudes and knowledge regarding ECCE during the COVID19 lockdown. It was also important to understand what parents thought about the ECCE programmes that the government produced and broadcasted through television for young children. Thus, this rapid assessment was aimed at dealing with a sub-set of issues covered in the KAP study with focus on engaging children during the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown which forced children to be at home and parents to be more engaged with children in one way or other.