FAO–Türkiye Partnership Programmes: Uzbekistan’s experience
25 January 2023
On 24 January, the Uzbek delegation formed from the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Uzbekistan, the Tashkent State Agrarian University and the FAO Country Office in Uzbekistan took part in a regional workshop in Baku (Republic of Azerbaijan). The workshop was focused on the results and successes of recently implemented projects of the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programmes (FTPP) and included high-level representatives of relevant institutions in the countries of the subregion.
Currently, Uzbekistan is involved in 8 regional projects of FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programmes. Speaking at the regional Workshop Ramin Gasanov, Director of Department of Monitoring of IFI’s and Grant Projects of the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, noted: “We very much appreciate the on-going FTPP projects that enhance food security and decrease rural poverty and vulnerability. Uzbekistan has excellent political and economic bilateral relations with all the beneficiaries of the FTPP. We recognize FTPP as an efficient platform to share experience with each other, facilitating capacity building opportunities, data and technology exchange.”
The workshop included various panel discussions on good practices highlighting project successes with a focus on gender and rural development as well as on the future of the FTPP. During the panel session Sherzod Umarov, Assistant FAO Representative in Uzbekistan shared experience of successful implementation of the FTPP projects in Uzbekistan and took part in discussions on the relationship between FAO’s “four betters” concept and innovations in production, nutrition, environment, and life.
“All the FTPP projects are align with the FAO-Uzbekistan Country Programming Framework 2021-2025 and the country’s national priorities addressed in the respective sub-sectors to achieve sustainable agriculture development and food security. In this regard, the FAO Country Office in Uzbekistan is doing its best to contribute to this dynamic collaborative process by assisting in setting national priorities and ensuring well-aligned implementation of the FTPP strategies together with national partners and other stakeholders,” said Sherzod Umarov.
The last panel was dedicated to the communication and visibility activities of the FTPP, during which a presentation was made on the activities carried out in Uzbekistan to raise public awareness about the achievements of the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programmes.

All participants of the Regional Workshop agreed that the resulting regional collaboration and synergies enable the FTPP to function as a powerful support mechanism for achieving the SDGs, in particular Goal 1 “No Poverty” and Goal 2 “Zero Hunger”.
For reference: Building on Türkiye’s long-lasting partnership with FAO, the FAO–Türkiye Partnership Programmes have had a transformative impact on agriculture, food and natural resources management, notably in beneficiary countries – in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Currently, the FTPP consists of two modules: the FAO–Türkiye Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II) and the FAO–Türkiye Forestry Partnership Programme (FTFP). FTPP II and FTFP together comprise 20 projects covering a wide array of topics including but not limited to fisheries, forestry, food security, food safety, food loss and waste, and rural women.