Ministry of Health and World Health Organization present first COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan for Uzbekistan
20 March 2020
- The Minister of Health of Uzbekistan, Mr. Alisher Shadmanov, presented the first version of COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP) for Uzbekistan to health partners at a meeting of COVID-19 Partnership Group.
The Group is a forum for coordination among Government, the United Nations system, International Financial Institutions, donors and international health partners on all aspects of international assistance to the COVID-19 outbreak in Uzbekistan.

Developed in close collaboration between the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, the SPRP is a living document, which at this point covers only top priority health-related preparedness and response efforts. Additional socio-economic preparedness and response priorities will be added in the coming days, and the health priorities will be updated to reflect evolving needs.
The plan is currently costed at 30 million USD. Key priorities include:
- Limit human to human transmission and reduce secondary infections among close contacts and health care workers;
- Prevent transmission amplification events;
- Rapidly identify, test and isolate infected cases;
- Extended facilities for quarantine for suspected cases including contacts;
- Identify, assess and follow up contacts;
- Provision of optimized care for COVID-19 infected patients as needed;
- Ensure implementation of Infection Prevention and Control in healthcare settings, alternate settings and home care;
- Raise awareness among the population through risk communication and community engagement.
The SPRP is a global tool to support national health systems to prepare for and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. As they are ready, all national SPRPs are being uploaded to the global online Partnership Platform for COVID-19 preparedness and response. This platform is the primary global system to match gaps in responses with possible resources, including financial resources and partnerships available at global and national level across Governments, private sector, International Organizations and civil society actors.