The second subnational dialogue as part of Uzbekistan's preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit
17 June 2021
- The second subnational dialogue was held on 17 June, 2021 in Namangan as part of Uzbekistan's preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit. The dialogue was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the participation of relevant ministries and departments, as well as representatives of international and public organizations and the private sector.

The safety of food systems has an immense impact on human health, the environment, and economic and cultural development. Wide range of stakeholders have been invited to participate in the Food Systems Summit dialogues, from youth activists and farm workers to academics and business leaders. Their task is to identify the most effective ways to create sustainable solutions to improve the food supply system in the country.
Within the framework of the dialogue, the participants exchanged views on joint actions to transform the food systems in the country, taking into account the specific characteristics of the region also emphasizing the need for more integrated cooperation between stakeholders.
The first subnational dialogue was held on June 9 in the city of Nukus of Karakalpakstan, where food systems matters were discussed on a regional level as well. Participants identified main obstacles hindering a proper access of the population to food products made by local producers of Karakalpakstan.
The Government of Uzbekistan has adopted and is in the process of implementing a major sector development strategy for 2020-2030 along with other legal documents aiding the transformation of food systems in the country. They contribute to the efficient use of land and water resources, the introduction of resource-saving technologies, attracting investments, the development of modern formats of agricultural activities, in particular, clusters and cooperative structures. The expected outcome of the UN Food Systems Summit Dialogues is the development of a national programme for ensuring sustainable national food systems for the next decade in accordance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The dialogues also provide an opportunity to implement the development plan employing internationally accredited methods, principles, rules, actions along with existing partnerships and commitments.
"Food systems affect all aspects of human being. Achieving food and nutrition security for all is at the heart of FAO’s efforts – to make sure people have constant and sufficient access to good-quality food to lead active and healthy lives. Our mandate is to increase agricultural productivity, improve nutrition, raise the standard of living in rural populations and contribute to global economic growth", - spoke Sherzod Umarov, Assistant FAO Representative in Uzbekistan.

«Uzbekistan was among the first countries that confirmed its interest and support to the organization of the Summit as well as of the National Dialogues. Encouraging everyone to comprehend the fact that we must all work together to change the way the world produces, consumes and perceive food will be one of the most significant accomplishments of the Summit. This Summit is for everyone and is aimed at finding solutions that will require everyone to act to transform food systems» - noted Bakhadur Paluaniyazov, Environment and Climate Action Cluster Leader, UNDP in Uzbekistan.
The upcoming global summit in fall will strive to kickstart enhanced action on the Sustainable Development Goals, each of which contributes to healthier, more sustainable, inclusive and equitable food systems which in turn has set five significant objectives such as:
- Ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for all;
- Establishing a transition to reasonable consumption;
- Encouraging sustainable production;
- Promoting a level playing field;
- Providing resistance to vulnerability, shocks, and stress.
More about summit at: