Uzbekistan: Government and the UN Conclude the First Joint Programme of the Joint SDG Fund
26 February 2022
The Government of Uzbekistan in partnership with the UN agencies concluded its first UN Joint Programme sponsored by the Joint SDG Fund. Three sister-agencies - the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) together with the Ministry of Finance reported on the achievements in the social protection system accomplished by the Programme in 2020-2022.
The UN Joint Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Fund allocated US$ 2 million for twofold purpose of the programme: improving social protection systems to accelerate progress towards achievement of SDGs and to enhance multilateral collaboration. From the UN side, UNICEF was the leading agency of the Joint Programme.
“The three UN agencies, namely UNICEF, ILO and UNDP, have brought together the expertise and good practices to support the Government in establishing the basis for a strong social protection system. During these two years, great results were achieved, with more than 2 million people benefiting directly from the joint work. At the same time, a lot still needs to be done to ensure a comprehensive social protection system reaches all in need, leaving no one behind. We stand ready to continue supporting the Government of Uzbekistan in achieving its plans and successful implementation of its 2022-2026 Development Strategy, the upcoming National Strategy for Social Protection and the 2030 Agenda in the country.” - said Mr. Munir Mammadzade, UNICEF Representative in Uzbekistan.
At the onset of the UN Joint Programme, the social protection system of Uzbekistan covered only 55% of the population. It was primarily through social insurance that was reaching 44% of the population. Only one out of three persons living in poverty would receive social benefits.
Thanks to the Government and UN joint efforts more people got access to the social benefits and social services. It has been achieved through the following:
Introduction of the Single Registry of Social Protection nationwide which enabled the effective delivery of the COVID-19 response cash transfers with the overall coverage increasing from 600 000 to 1.2 mln vulnerable families.
Development of the Draft National Strategy for Social Protection 2022-2030 with measures to improve social assistance schemes, social insurance, access of persons who face multiple barriers when seeking employment to labour market policies and social care services. The Concept of the National Strategy was approved by the President of Uzbekistan in February 2021. The Strategy is accompanied by a three-year costed Action Plan and options for fiscal space for social protection.
Advocacy for the ratification and implementation of UN CRPD, fostering knowledge and expertise to support the planned transition to the International Classification of Functioning in the assessment of disability, to improve disability statistics collection, and to promote accessible infrastructure and public services.
Furthermore, the UN Joint Programme introduced advanced approaches in provision of social services like makhalla-level social work based on case management.
These achievements determine the outset of a long journey to ensure the human right for social protection for all. The participating UN agencies called for further support to Uzbekistan in reforming its social protection system and implementing the National Strategy for Social Protection, in enhancing the capacity to coordinate and deliver social protection schemes and ensuring inclusiveness of different groups, including persons with disability and informal workers.