Press Release

International Conference on Cold Winter Deserts

03 December 2021

The first International Conference on Cold Winter Deserts was held in Tashkent within the framework of the CADI (Central Asian Desert Initiative) project. It was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the State Forestry Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the University of Greifswald (Germany) and the Michael Succow Foundation.

Bringing together the researchers, academia, scientific institutions, and stakeholders including students from local and international universities, and representatives of international organizations, the conference is set to become a platform for discussing options for the development and conservation of the temperate desert territories. It will also raise awareness about advanced technologies for sustainable land management and disseminate knowledge about biodiversity conservation in the ecosystems of temperate desert zones.

Caption: FAO and partners raise awareness about advanced technologies for sustainable land management and disseminate knowledge about biodiversity conservation in the ecosystems of temperate desert zones.
Photo: © Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan

Among the regions of Central Asia, the temperate deserts of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are listed as being of global importance for the conservation of biodiversity. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the deserts can claim the status of world heritage sites. These unique landscapes support the existence of rare species of animals, including wild gazelles, kulans and urials. They also serve as important nesting and migration sites for bird species such as the burial eagle, bustard and saker falcon. However, these territories are currently threatened by the overuse of their natural resources and large-scale infrastructure construction.

Consequently, these territories are being targeted by the Central Asia Desert Initiative. The CADI project, funded by the German Government, has been runsince 2016 by the University of Greifswald, the Michael Succow Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

“Central Asia is a global biodiversity hotspot located in the heart of Earth's largest continent. It features unique habitats, breeding grounds, migration corridors and flyways for many rare and endangered animal species. The CADI project aims to conserve and ensure the sustainable use of temperate deserts, which are unique ecosystems of global importance.”, - said National Coordinator of the CADI project Nariman Nishanov.

The project supports communities involved in agriculture in the harsh conditions of the temperate deserts. In particular, project activities include provision of equipment for wool processing, sewing, milk processing, beekeeping, as well as the distribution of seeds and seedlings to farmers and smallholders. Furthermore, the CADI project is conducting a number of training programmes on the cultivation of crops, the development of handicrafts for women, the creation of nurseries in greenhouses, and the development of beekeeping. Throughout, the project emphasizes inclusion and gender balance, given the invaluable contribution of women in the agricultural sector.

UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Goals we are supporting through this initiative