UN system in Uzbekistan and Government of Uzbekistan celebrate 75th anniversary of the United Nations
23 октября 2020
- The UN system in Uzbekistan and the Government of Uzbekistan held a virtual event dedicated to the UN’s 75th anniversary attended by more than 200 participants, including national and international partners, the diplomatic corps, civil society organizations, youth, mass media and representatives of the UN agencies, funds and programmes based in Uzbekistan.
2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. To commemorate this occasion, in January 2020, UN Secretary-General António Guterres launched a global and inclusive conversation with the hashtag #UN75, to examine the role of global cooperation in building the future we want and the UN we need.
In March 2020, the UN system in Uzbekistan, together with the Government of Uzbekistan, launched the #UN75 campaign, within the framework of the Decade of Action for Agenda 2030. Since then, in partnership with the Government and civil society, the United Nations system in Uzbekistan has held 48 dialogues with more than 5,500 participants across Uzbekistan, including vulnerable groups. More than 34,000 people in Uzbekistan have taken the global #UN75 survey.
The purpose of these dialogues has been to reach the public and to listen to their hopes and fears. The UN will learn from their experience and insights in order to inform its global and country-level activities as it strives to accelerate the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the SDGs.
As noted, more than 34,000 people in Uzbekistan have taken the global #UN75 survey.
Below is a snapshot of answers to the #UN75 survey from respondents in Uzbekistan:
- Five top priorities international community should highlight to recover better from pandemic:
- 15 % Prioritize access to universal healthcare;
- 13 % Strengthen solidarity between nations and people;
- 10 % Invest more in education in youth programmes;
- 10 % Increase support to hardest hit countries and communities;
- 9 % Achieve universal and affordable access to digital technologies.
- Top five things respondents want to see the most in 25 years:
- 15 % Better access to education;
- 13 % More respect to human rights;
- 13 % More environmental protection;
- 12 % Better access to healthcare
- 8 % More employment opportunities.
- Top five global trends that will affect our future:
- 18 % Climate change and environmental issues;
- 15 % Risks related to health;
- 10 % Risks arising from new technologies;
- 9 % Nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction;
- 9 % Breakdown in relations between nations.
In 2045 people will be 1) better off, 2) worse off or 3) the same as today
- 66. 6 % Better
- 20 % Worse
- 13. 4 % Same
At the virtual event, the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan presented the video clip “Human” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. It’s based on a poem by renowned Uzbek poet, Erkin Vohidov, with lyrics in Arabic, English, Italian, Kazakh, Russian, Tajik, Turkish & Uzbek.
The song is a call to humanity to step up to our responsibility to protect our planet, and to recognize some of the powerful contradictions of being human. The message, sung in so many languages, and re-enforced by a dramatic video, reminds us of the need to think globally and act together to improve our world.

The United Nations in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan joined the United Nations on 2 March 1992 as a new sovereign and independent state. The United Nations Office opened in Tashkent the following year. The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Uzbekistan comprises 24 UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes working together to advance national development priorities in line with the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.